Founded in 1984, the Capital District Civil War Round Table is a non-profit, tax exempt educational organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. Our purpose is to foster education, awareness and respect for America's historic heritage, with special focus on the Civil War period. We are dedicated to the preservation of Civil War sites nationwide, and we are a lifetime member of the American Battlefield Trust (ABT).
Meetings are usually held on the second Friday of every month from September through June at 6:00 p.m. Meetings generally consist of a one hour social time, a short business meeting, and then a feature program. Speakers are the best available in the Civil War community, many of whom are members of the Round Table. Occasionally, the date, time, and location of our meetings vary, so be sure to check the "Meetings and Events" page for any changes.
We actively advocate the preservation of sites related to Civil War history. Since 1984 we have raised over $2.2 million (including leveraged matching funds) for various preservation causes, to become one of the nation's most active and productive Round Tables. We are the Civil War Preservation Trust's "Round Table of the Year" for 2006. If you would like to make a donation to the CDCWRT for preservation activities, please contact any Board member.
Our Round Table Donations now stand at $2,280,797.76 in actual and matched funds.
1. American Battlefield Trust: $500 for Chancellorsville at $10.50:1 match
2. American Battlefield Trust: $200 for Cedar Creek & Brandy Station at $25:1 match
3. American Battlefield Trust: $300 for Virginia battlefields at $30:1 match
Total actual funds donated to date are $224,995.26
A letter of appreciation from the Civil War Trust for our contribution efforts to the Antietam battlefield:
Dear Friends,
“Amazing!” “Incredible!” “Astonishing!” These are the words Jim Lighthizer has been using to describe your response to the opportunity to save 44 acres at the epicenter of the Antietam battlefield. Thanks to your overwhelmingly positive reply, I’m able to let you know that you’ve done it – you have saved the Antietam Epicenter! You saw from the maps how vital it was to preserve this small but incredibly vital piece of land in the middle of a battlefield that saw more casualties in one day than any other day in United States history. You believed in us to be good stewards of your passion, and we at the Civil War Trust are so grateful for your trust. This section of the Battle of Antietam will now be part of a pristine battlefield forever because of YOU. This land will eventually be incorporated into the surrounding Antietam National Battlefield Park, and stewarded by the National Park Service. No McMansion will be built on this benchmark of American history. America now has a more perfect Antietam battlefield because you fought to save this hallowed ground. Thank you.
Emma Quarnstrom
Development Associate, Stewardship
Civil War Trust
1156 15th Street NW, Suite 900
Washington DC, 20005
(p) 202.367.1861 ext 7226
Saving America’s Civil War Battlefields |